Musical Meditation online

These are guided meditations accompanied by Live instrumental music, aimed to re-balance, relax, and reconnect anyone with their inner strength in a very effective way.
The visualizations and the sounds are specifically ideated to stimulate multisensorial experiences that are allowing the attendees to connect to their inner qualities almost immediately.
With inner qualities, we mean the most empowering emotions like strength, gratitude, compassion, trust, and forgiveness.
We use natural landscapes like forests, mountains, and lakes in our guided meditations.
During the sessions, we also invite the attendees to breathe deeply and from time to time to move and to use their voices.
Between the spoken mediation parts we play and loop on live, different musical instruments such as the fujara, the guitar, the native american flute, the didgeridoo, the dan moi, the steel drum, and more.
These sessions come from many years of experimenting with different meditation techniques, and sound therapy.

Look at what our testimonials say in this video below. These comments are taken from some of our Zoom sessions.

“I appreciate your mediation session to the max. It really is a relaxing and inspiring time for me. Your voice is like an instrument and then you play several instruments – all enhance the experience. Your guided meditations are mesmerizing. I very much look forward to sharing this unique hour with the multi-talented person you are. And you’re so kind and friendly with everyone which is an added bonus. Finally, it is quite special to be able to join you from California. Thank you, Alex.”
Nancy Kay
California, USA
“I joined your sessions when I was suffering from suspected long Covid, which had a tremendous impact on my health since the end of May until recently. I had severe fatigue and other symptoms, which affected my ability to work and function normally. I was essentially bed-bound for about 2 months.
I found your sessions and immediately felt that I found them restorative and soothing. As I have recovered and returned to full-time work, which was stressful at first, I have found that the stress of my workday/work-week has melted away minutes into your meditation. I have never meditated to sound before (or never realised I have done previously while listening to ambient or deep techno music!), so this has been a truly wonderful revelation. The sounds take me deeper within and enable me to enter a relaxation space that is very special and timeless where I feel I melt into my surroundings. The didgeridoo in particular is magical, plus the drums. Also, using my voice freely and creatively feels as though it unlocks or releases tension and anxiety.
In summary, together with the visualisations, your musical meditation journeys are wonderful and I’m so grateful that you are offering these. I would urge your funders to continue funding these mediation sessions as these are so important to mental health and wellbeing, particularly in times of crisis, such as the Covid pandemic where many people are put under tremendous stress, which has a knock-on effect on their physical health. The experience has been so powerful that I am embarking on a sound healing introductory course learning to use tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks and voice (and more instruments in future) to work on myself and perhaps eventually work with others to facilitate healing.”
Natasha Tian
Glasgow, UK
“Thank you very much Alex. That was another beautiful session, I feel like I have come back into balance again. Last week I had had news that someone I know had died tragically and the music and sound really helped me when I was very emotional.”
Cavell Duglas
London, UK
“Thanks very much Alex. I am feeling peaceful now. The guided meditation, the music and your voice were so healing. I am very grateful.”
Elina Kartiushova
London, UK
As usual I feel relaxed and calm after this one-hour meditation. I always look forward to the end of the week and your sessions. Thank you Alex.
Monica Walcott
London, UK
“Thank you Alex, it was a wonderful session, took me on a gentle, relaxing journey and I feel much more alive.”
Simona Reja
London, United Kingdom
“Thank You 🙏 Alex. Very powerful as always. I especially enjoyed the flute. The guided meditation and also these sounds are helping me grandly to relax deeply, and at the end of the session, all my stress is gone.”
Vikas Wadhwani
London, UK
“Session after session, I am getting more in touch with my feelings, emotions, and body sensation. Also I able to manage my anxiety much better now! Thank you”
Natalia Lucas
Thionville, France