FREE – No age restriction

If you are stressed, anxious, or having troubles to relax and sedate the impulsive mind chatting, there is nothing more effective than the healing power of tailored sound.
In this workshop the attendees are invited to lay down or sit down comfortably, breath deeply and just relax. Many music instruments will be played (didgeridoo, fujara, native american flute, dan moi, shruti box, guitar, vocals, steel tongue drum, shakers,…) in a smooth and progressive way. The effects that the attendees normally experience are deep body relaxation and an empty and clear mind. Often, the participants forget about the daily stress and troubles. The effects of these sound baths are beneficial also to sleep, digestion, and memory.
FREE – 0-12 with parents

We create a big organic music band, our community band, made by kids and their families, and we play together sharing rhythm and interactive musical games. Every participant will have the opportunity to play different instruments and interact with everyone else, through sounds, rhythms, creative games, no matter the age or the skill level. The attendees normally experience a great sense of connection, happiness, self confidence and relaxation during and after the sessions.
We create a big organic music band, our community band, and we play together sharing rhythm and interactive musical games. Every participant will have the opportunity to play different instruments and interact with everyone else, through sounds, rhythms, creative games, no matter the age or the skill level. The attendees normally experience a great sense of connection, happiness, self confidence and relaxation during and after the sessions.